shockcare.cn 格魯夫機械 2015-05-25 18:12:11
安裝要求 | |
1、底座式安裝,應校準中心線標高,聯(lián)軸器聯(lián)接時,應校準兩軸的同 軸度,柔性聯(lián)軸器聯(lián)接時浮動量不超過聯(lián)軸器的允許范圍,剛性聯(lián)接時須保 證各安裝聯(lián)接的形位公差。 2、法蘭式安裝,止口應配合良好,法蘭式安裝并配空心軸聯(lián)接時,特 別應保證聯(lián)接的形位公差。 3、扭力臂安裝,主動的空心軸與被動軸應配合良好,被動軸的浮動或 設備振動應小于彈性塊允許的范圍,力臂應固定并鎖緊。 4、輸出軸加裝聯(lián)軸器、皮帶輪、齒輪、鏈輪等件時,請勿重擊,應用 輸出軸外端螺孔,壓入聯(lián)接件。皮帶輪、齒輪、鏈輪、攪拌式還需考慮徑向 力。 5、空心軸與實心軸聯(lián)接時(配合公差H7/h6),應涂防銹油。 6、準備剛性好的基礎或牢固的臺架來安裝傳動設備,同時也需充分考 慮即使加上 大載荷也不至于改變裝配好后備部件的位置。 7、安裝升降機時,臺架面上的孔,在滿足絲桿能方便通過的前提下, 應盡可能小。 8、安裝螺栓一般情況下采用8 8級,如果高溫或振動沖擊等情況,請 打圓柱銷以免松動。 | 1.Choosing foot-mount,the height of center line should be calibrated, choosing coupling—connect,coaxiality should be calibrated,choosing flexible coupling,run—out should keep within permissible values,choosing rigid coupling contour and position tolerance should be guaranteed.choosing long coupling.,rigidity of shaft should be enough 2. Flange—mount,protruding or concave steps should inosculate with housings,using hollow shaft.contour and position tolerance at connection parts should be guaranteed 3 .Torque-arm-mount,hollow shafts should be fit with working shafts, run out of working shafts and vibration of units should be within ranges of vibration values torque arm should be fixed and locked 4. Installation couplings belt wheels.gears,chain gear on output shafts, please use screw hole in shaff end to press them in the correct position(see following pictures)and radial force should be considered in case of belt wheel Chain gears and agitation mode 5. When connecting hollow shaft and solid shaft.please clean the surface and put anti—corrosive oil on it 6. Please choose foundation with good rigidity or stable plat form to install transmission devices in the meantime.also should take full consideration that the positions of all parts will not change even if maximum torque is loaded on units 7. When installing screw Jacks,the screw holes ln mounting plate should be as small as possible up to bolts’diameten 8. Generally fixing bolts adopt GBT8.8 in case of high temperature and vibration,please take anti—loose measures The tightening torques of binding bolts as follows |
潤滑及密封 | |
1、密封性:骨架雙唇油封屬于易損件,由于使用條件的較大差異,骨 架油封的使用壽命很難確定,失效后須及時更換并補充新油。 2、潤滑油:減速機一般采用油池飛濺潤滑。對環(huán)境溫度高于40'C或減 速機工作時溫度超過1 00℃時應采用循環(huán)油潤滑。油池潤滑的油面高度,規(guī) 定當減速器靜止不運轉時,油面控制在圓油標中心以上的位置。 *擺線類減速機小機型(x4以下)采用油脂潤滑,建議采用4#二硫化鉬鋰 基脂,出廠時機內已加滿。中等以上機型(×5以上)采用油浴循環(huán)潤滑, 建議采用50#機械油或90#工業(yè)齒輪油,出廠時未加,用戶在開機前應接油 標注入潤滑油。 *MB無級變速機必須使用Ub-3牽引液。 *蝸輪絲桿升降機一般采用3#二硫化鉬鋰基潤滑脂。 以上所選用的潤滑油可以滿足一般使用要求。若有特殊要求或有經(jīng)驗的 用戶,可另行選擇其它牌號的潤滑油。環(huán)境溫度低時應降低牌號。 一般來說,潤滑油牌號由小增大時,對減速機性能有如下影響; A、溫度升度,線速度高時程度較明顯; B、效率降低; C、噪聲降低;D、密封性能加強; E、蝸輪或齒輪承載能力增加。 3、新機在使用動轉400小時后,應更換一次潤滑油并清理內部油污。 以后的換油周期在正常情況下為:變速機專用油2000小時;齒輪油8000小 時。使用環(huán)境惡劣或8小時以上連續(xù)工作制的場合,應縮短換油時間。 4、嚴禁不同品質的潤滑油混合使用。因為混合使用時可能發(fā)生化學反 應從而降低或失去潤滑作用 | 1 Sealing:The two·lip seal belongs to wearing parts;it's difficult to decide the useful time because of the different condition of the use condition,affer invalidation,updating new oil timely 2 Lubrication:generally,gear units should adopt splash lubrication It should adopt circulation oil if the ambient temperature above 40℃or reducer working temperature above 100℃ The grease surface splash lubrication should be above the center of oil scale when the reducer keep still *R、F、K、T、H、B系列齒輪類減速機的潤滑一般采用中負荷工業(yè)齒輪油, 牌號見表1 *Genemlly R F K T H B Series gear reducer is adopts the moderate lode industrial gear oil.check the oil number on table 1 *The small type of Cycloid reducer(under X 4)adopt grease lubrication. you’d better adopt number 4 molybdenum disulphide grease all machines have enough lubrication before leaving factory Above middle type (above X 5)adopt lubrication by oil circulation,you’d better adopt number 50 rnachinery oil or number 90 industry gear oil No oil before leaving factory,users have to fill oil before the machine start up *MB Speed variator must use UB一3 traction liquid *Worm screw Jack must use number 3 molybdenum disulphide grease The lubrication,which selected can satisfy the ordinary require If there is special require or experienced user can use other oil choose the low number oil when the ambient temperature is low Generally.the lubrication influence the reducer when the lubrication number increasing as the following: A When the temperatures increase and linear velocity B Efficiency decrease C Noise decrease D Leak tightness increase E Carrying capacity of worm and gear increase 3 Newmachineworking after 400 hours the oil should be changed and removethe deposits and old oil The replace cycle:oilofvariator:2000 hour. Gear oil:8000 hour.The vile using environment or over 8 hours continuous work—places should shorten the time for oil 4 Different lubrication using mixed is prohibiting strictly,it may reduce the efficiency of the lubrication for the chemical realign |
使用養(yǎng)護: | |
1、開機前應檢查機內油面是否符合要求,按提示松開或挽上通氣糟使 之通氣順暢,并檢查轉動是否靈活。 2、負載試車前要空載運行半小時左右,確認空載無故障后方可加載運 行。試車應經(jīng)常檢查運轉情況:不得有異常沖擊,振動,不得滲、漏油,溫 升不得超過60℃, 高油溫不得超過100℃(日常工作時也應進行檢查)一 切正常方可正式工作。 3、工作中發(fā)現(xiàn)異常情況應停機檢查,查明、排除故障后方可繼續(xù)工作。 時常檢查潤滑油情況,注意補足油量,及時更換變質的潤滑油。 4、若出現(xiàn)安裝方位變動,一般情況下調換油鏡、油塞、通氣帽即可。 5、減速器應經(jīng)常保持清潔,外表面不得堆積灰塵、臟物以免影響散熱。 6、貯存:在干燥通風、室溫環(huán)境中存放。當貯存期超過三個月時應作 防銹處理。放置一年左右的機器,使用時要檢查油封是否老化,油品是否變 質。 | 1 Checking the oil level if it's in line with the require before the machine is running,loose or change the vent cap for ventilate unhindered and checking the rotating if it's flexible or not 2 It should be running unloaded half an hours before running loaded, checking the running condition on trial fun;no exceptional shock,percussion No oil leak The temperature is limited to 60℃ the oil is limited to 100 ℃ (it should be checking in routine work as well)it can be running until everything is standing by 3 It must be stopped immediately for check once any problem during running gear units,check the condition of the oil fill the oil,change the lubrication when it’s deteriorated 4 If mounting position changed,the position of breathe screw Oil level Oil drain plug will be change with each other as usual 5 Gear units should be keeping clean No dust accumulated on the surface in case of influencing radiator 6 Store it in the environment of dry ventilate and room temperature when the storage time exceed 3 months,treat it with rustproof,check the oilclosure and oil whether it had gone bad when the machine is placed for l year |
